Virtual Writing Tutor

Individualized and Compassionate Support.

"A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world."

Susan Sontag

person sitting at end of dock looking at gorgeous water and mountain scene


Casey Lichtman has successfully coached hundreds of clients to become more effective and confident writers...

lovely grass-covered mountains scene


Casey offers a variety of tutoring and coaching services that go beyond addressing immediate concerns...

mountain rocky ledge and clear skies


Coaching is about finding the right fit. Contact Casey to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

“I like writing but hated editing, so my website copy was never polished. Casey showed me a much easier way to edit and I no longer cringe at the thought of people reading what I write!"

BethAnn L.

Principal, Working Wonders LLC

Client Successes

Find out more about the diverse client needs Casey addresses as a writing coach.

I have had a number of clients with learning differences or unique needs who struggled with a disconnect between their learning needs and outside demands.


For several students with various learning differences, what worked best was learning a series of strategies to manage the school or professional workload and also learning how to self-advocate when appropriate.  

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hand holding a leaf in front of a natural scene of a waterway and tree-covered hills


Whether you’re curious about her coaching process, are interested in a consultation, or are just wondering about pricing, Casey would be happy to answer any questions.